Bartram, T., Adam, D., Edwards, T., Jalette, P., Burgess, J., & Stanton, P. (2019). A comparison of contemporary human resource management and employment relations practices of Japanese and U.S. multinational corporation subsidiaries: Evidence from four countries. Industrial Relations, 74(4), 742-779.,sso&db=bth&AN=140317694&site=eds-live&custid=natuniv
Compares the deployment of human resource management and employee relation practices across four countries.
Edwards, T., Almond, P., Murray, G., & Olga Tregaskis. (2022). International human resource management in multinational companies: Global norm making within strategic action fields. Human Resource Management Journal, 32(3), 683-697.
This journal article outlines HRM strategies used within multinational companies.
Fan, D., Zhu, C. J., Huang, X., & Kumar, V. (2021). Mapping the terrain of international human resource management research over the past fifty years: A bibliographic analysis. Journal of World Business, 56(2).
This article explores the past 50 years of research in international human resource management while providing suggestions for future research.
Cooke, F. L., Wood, G., Wang, M., & Veen, A. (2019). How far has international HRM travelled? A systematic review of literature on multinational corporations (2000-2014). Human Resource Management Review, 29(1), 59-75.
The article investigates the themes that have developed in the field of international human resource management in the past 14 years.
Sanders, K., & De Cieri, H. (2021). Similarities and differences in international and comparative human resource management: A review of 60 years of research. Human Resource Management, 60(1), 55-88.
This article provides an overview of the research that has been done over the past 60 years in the field of international human resource management.