Redford, L. J. (2019). Building the rural healthcare workforce: Challenges—and strategies—in the current economy. Generation, 43(2), 71-75.,sso&db=ccm&AN=138019386&site=eds-live&custid=natuniv
This article discusses innovative ways of recruiting staff in rural areas, especially in the healthcare sector.
Klassen, R. M., Rushby, J. V., Durksen, T. L., & Bardach, L. (2021). Examining teacher recruitment strategies in England. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47(2), 163-185.
This article provides international insight into recruitment, specifically for teachers in England.
Kte’pi, B. M. A. (2021). E-Recruiting. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
This resource outlines relevant topics in recruitment.
Sara Mohamed Abdelaziz El-Menawy, & Pancie Salah Saleh. (2023). How does the mediating role of the use of social media platforms foster the relationship between employer attractiveness and generation Z intentions to apply for a job? Future Business Journal, 9(1), 1-13.
This article discusses important topics such as generational preferences and job applications.
Lewis, A., & Thomas, B. C. (2020). Hiring the best job applicants? The effects of social media as an innovative e-entrepreneurship recruitment method. Journal of Media Management and Entrepreneurship (JMME), 2(2).
Learn best practices on an innovative recruitment method.
Oates, J., Topping, A., Ezhova, I., Wadey, E., & Marie Rafferty, A. (2020). An integrative review of nursing staff experiences in high secure forensic mental health settings: Implications for recruitment and retention strategies. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(11), 2897-2908.
This article explores recruitment and retention strategies for nursing staff at a forensic mental health facility.
Tolan, J. (2021). Fighting the talent shortage: Using video interviews to source the right candidate. Talent Acquisition Excellence, 9(9), 34-38.
This resource shares tips on how you can stay ahead of the talent shortage.
O’Neil, K., & Richards, K. A. R. (2018). Breaking from traditionalism: Strategies for the recruitment of physical education teachers. JOPERD: The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(2), 34-41.
This article explores the different recruitment strategies for gaining qualified candidates for physical education teachers.
Bruno, B. (2023). Strategies for external recruiters: How to effectively source and recruit clients. LinkedIn Learning.
This source shares new recruitment trends and techniques.