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APA & MLA Styles

This guide contains tips for how to maximize your Academic Writer experience plus additional resources to assist with APA style.

Tables and Figures

Figure Components

Learn about the components of a figure, including how to create an effective image, use a legend, and write a caption.

Academic Writer

© 2021 American Psychological Association.


Table Components

Learn about the components of a table, including how to number and title a table, use table headings, construct the table itself, write table notes, and use other marks or spacing.

Academic Writer

© 2021 American Psychological Association.

Table and Figure Basics

Tables Basics

  • Use tables to simplify text and to show a large amount of information in a concise way. If a table has less than two rows, use text instead.
  • Refer to every table in the text by Arabic numbers (e.g., As shown in Table 1) or with a citation (see Table 1). Summarize the main points of the table as an introduction.
  • Number tables in the order they are mentioned. 
  • Be consistent in the formatting and vocabulary of all tables within a document. 
    • If you abbreviate a word in one table, you must do it in all tables.
  • Titles should be brief but explain the main function or purpose. 
  • Use title case for table titles, which means to capitalize all nouns, verbs, proper nouns, and major words.
  • Minor words less than four letters should be lowercased.
  • The word “Table” and the number should be bolded.
  • Italicize the table title 

Table 1

Definitions of Variables and Sample Items

  • You can use standard abbreviations and symbols such as percents (%) and numbers (no.) in headings without explanation.
  • Ensure each column has a heading.
  • Use sentence case for table headings, which means to lowercase all words except for the first word, the first word after a colon, and proper nouns.
    • See a quick guide on tables below for the different heading types.
  • The contents of the table may be single-spaced, one-and-a-half-spaced, or double-spaced.
  • Tables should not be smaller than 10-point, Times New Roman Font.
    • Use 12-point if possible and only use 10-point if this font ensures the table fits on one page instead of two.
  • Place any notes below the table.
    • Notes are needed if a table is from another source (e.g., Note. Adapted from...).
      • Notes are single-spaced.

Figures Basics

  • Any type of illustration (chart, graph, photograph, drawing) should be cited as a figure instead of a table.
  • Figures should complement the information in the text or to simplify the text.
  • Number figures in the order they are mentioned.
  • Figures should be large enough to read easily and convey only essential information. 
    • Guidelines indicate between 8-14 point font with a sans-serif typeface
      • 12-pt Courier is often used for figure font
  • Be consistent in the formatting and vocabulary of all figures within a document. 
    • If you abbreviate a word in one figure, you must do it in all figures.
      • Also, keep vocabulary and abbreviations consistent between figures and tables.
  • Make sure data are plotted accurately and proportioned.
  • Place labels close to identified items.
  • Axis labels on graphs must be parallel to their axes.
  • The word “Figure” and the Figure number should be bolded
  • The figure title is in title case and italics. 

Figure 1

Response Selections

  • When included, Figure notes should begin with the word “Note” in italics, followed by a period and space. The note is placed below the figure. 

Note: For both tables and figures, put them as close to where they are first mentioned as possible without interrupting the text. Usually, a table or figure will appear after the paragraph in which they are first mentioned.


Additional Table and Figure Resources

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