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APA & MLA Styles

This guide contains tips for how to maximize your Academic Writer experience plus additional resources to assist with APA style.

Title Page

Learn how to set up the title page of an APA Style student paper and professional paper, including the page header, title, author name and affiliation, course information, and author note.

Academic Writer

© 2023 American Psychological Association.


Students should use the student version of the title page unless their instructor has requested they use the professional version. The student title page no longer requires a running head. 

  Format Type Format Information

Place the page number in the top right corner of the header. Begin with page number 1.

  • The header should be 1 inch from the top.

  Paper title

 Place the title in the upper third of the page. The title should be centered and bolded. Capitalize the first letter of important words in the title. Double-space titles that are longer than one line. 

  Author name

 Place your name below the paper title, centered and double-spaced.

  • Include one blank double spaced line between the title and the author's name.  

 Name of the department (school), followed by the name of the university, separated by a  comma. Place the affiliation information below your name, centered and double-spaced.

  • School of XXX, National University

  Course name and number

 Use the format shown on institutional materials for the course to which the paper is being submitted (e.g. EDU7105). Place the course name and number below your affiliation, centered and double-spaced.

  • ABC1234: Formatting the Title Page
  Instructor name Use the instructor’s preferred designation (e.g., Dr., Professor) and spelling. Place the instructor's name below the course name and number, centered and double-spaced. 
  Assignment due date

Provide the month, date, and year. Place the assignment due date below the instructor's name, centered and double-spaced. 

  • Spell out the month (e.g. January 10, 2020).
Title Page Elements

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