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NU SpringShare Playbook

Best practices and guidance for creating and maintaining LibApps and guides at NU. Created by cross-functional resource centers.

LibGuide Publishing Checklist

Universal Design

  • Use alternative text for images
  • Captions in videos (even linked videos)
  • Use clear link wording- no “click here” (Liba11y Link guide)
  • Use headings properly to assist screen readers- start with H3 (Liba11y Headings guide)
  • Color is not used solely to convey information
  • Sufficient contrast is provided (WebAIM contrast checker)
  • PDFs and other attached files should be accessible
  • Run guide through Wave ( )
  • Links are set to open in a new window

Quality Assurance

  • All links work
  • Checked spelling throughout guide
  • Looked at guide in other browser
  • Guide meets intended objectives
  • Read guide aloud or asked others to proofread guide

NU Practices

  • Include Welcome and Menu pointer on the home page  (does not apply to all teams)
  • Guide type, group and tags are all assigned
  • Assign friendly URLs (for search engine optimization)
  • Databases are linked from the A-Z list Library only?
  • Assets are reused as much as possible
  • Resources are ordered by relevance
  • 10 resources of each type (journal, book, dissertations, etc.) are included  Library only?
  • Guide follows branding and color palette in the NU Playbook - draft 2020

Mobile Friendly

  • Define table or image widths as percentages (not pixels)
  • Test the guide on mobile if possible
  • Embed responsive video that will resize dependant on the learners device.




