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NU SpringShare Playbook

Best practices and guidance for creating and maintaining LibApps and guides at NU. Created by cross-functional resource centers.



1. To add Library workshops and/or special events (vendor demos, etc.), click on the

NU Library Workshops Calendar

Public Calendar Link - This is the patron facing calendar link:

2. To add professional development and/or other presentations not hosted by the Library, click on the

Internal Library Calendar (does not have a public URL – for logged in users only)

This feature is accessible from the main Calendars screen. Event Explorer allows you to search for events by date range (From / To), keyword in the title field (Search) or Patron Search by email, or select from drop down menus by: Event Organizer, Audiences, Presenter, Categories or Locations. There is also a feature that allows you to export your search results.

Click Stats on the orange menu bar to select Calendars and Events.

Calendar stats will return an overview of all events attached to a calendar. The NU Library Workshops Calendar will return stats for the calendar year (January through December) by Total Events, Registrations, Canceled Registrations and Actual/Confirmed Attendees. Data can also be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.

Event stats will return details for a single event/workshop only by date.

Library Workshop Feedback Survey results should be downloaded quarterly, saved in an Excel file and uploaded to SharePoint. A librarian will need to coordinate quarterly meetings to review the Library Workshop Survey results.

Workshops & Events

To access LibCal, connect to Once logged in, select LibCal. Once on the LibCal page, choose Calendars from the menu in the top banner.

[NOTE: Before adding your event, check to see if the event has been previously added to the calendar. If so, you can choose to COPY. This will allow you to edit the date/time, presenter and GoToMeeting Link. See the section below Copy an Event]

1. Click +Add New Event in the upper left corner of the Calendar. Note: Each event will need to be added separately, each time the event occurs.

2. Select the date

3. Select the start and end time

4. Add the event title, example: Searching 101 Workshop [Note: It is recommended to keep the work ‘workshop’ in the event title, since this will be used in several macros for reminder and follow-up emails]

5. Event description - Copy/paste current descriptions from the Workshop Descriptions section of this document; Remember to add the day, date, time and time zone times specific to your event. I recommend using the Paste from Word option for accurate formatting. You can also use the tools for adding highlighting and URL hyperlink for the workshop access link:

Workshop Description Example:

Please join us Tuesday, December 8th at 9am Mountain Time (11am Eastern, 10am Central, 8am Pacific) as we provide you with the searching essentials necessary to get you off on the right foot. This library workshop will cover the basics of searching: Boolean logic, keywords vs. subjects, how to use a database thesaurus, and truncation. Various databases will be used throughout the workshop to demonstrate different searching techniques.

Use the information below to join the Library Workshop:

[Insert Zoom scheduled meeting link here]

6. More about this eventoffers the option to add a Featured Image and Related LibGuide

7. Event Details

Location: Select NU Library [Since we do already to not overlap events, it doesn’t matter what is selected, but be sure that another workshop, meeting or consult is not scheduled for your workshop time due to GTM restrictions]

Event Organizer: Select “NU Library”

Presenter: Select your name.

Category & Color: [At this time we do not use this feature]

8. Event Registration

Check Registration is required.

Maximum registration: Change this to 100 for Zoom max

Registration Form: Select – “Full Name & Email” is the default.

Registrations Open: Select Now

Registrations Close: Select At event start time

Enable wait list: Check to enable. (A Waiting List Event Confirmation email is automatically sent. To edit the contents of this email, see the Event Confirmation Email section below.

BCC Confirmation Email: Leave blank

Send Email Reminder: 1 day before Event

Reminder Email Subject: NU Library Reminder: {{TITLE}}

[Note: the macro will pull the title from your event title.]

Use: When using Zoom Integration with LibCal, the system requires users to register in order to receive the meeting information and link to join. The Library uses this feature for 1:1 appointments but not for group workshops since we currently have users who join sessions through links posted on event pages and in The Commons. To explore using this feature for your Resource Center, please contact Marisha Kelly.     

When you have online events that you want to set up in LibCal, you can choose Online Event via Zoom. 

NOTE: This option can only be used with events where registration is required.

To use the Online Event via Zoom option, the Zoom virtual meeting integration has to be enabled. Each event using this option will have a Zoom meeting created automatically after creating the event in LibCal. Attendees will receive the URL for the Zoom meeting in their confirmation email.

Using Zoom for Online Events

  1. For the Event Location option, select Online Event via Zoom.

    • Your event must have registration set to required to select this option.

  2. Enter the email address for the Zoom account that will be used to host the event in the Zoom Email field.

    • LibCal will automatically verify the email address input to confirm that it is connected to a Zoom account.

  3. ​If you would like to require attendees to enter a password before joining, enter it in the Join Password.

    • This is not your Zoom user account password.

    • Passwords can be up to 10 characters long and only contain upper or lowercase letters, numbers, and the following symbols: @ ('at' symbol), - (hyphen), _ (underscore), and * (asterisk).

  4. Select the appropriate meeting type for your event.

    • Meeting: Fully interactive and allows all participants to see, speak, hear & screen-share with each other.

    • Webinar: View-only where attendees cannot see each other & Host cannot see attendees. Free Zoom accounts cannot create webinars.

selecting the 'online event via zoom' option



Copy and paste the text below – Please note that there are no options to add bold or highlighting to template emails.


Thank you for registering for the {{TITLE}} scheduled to take place on {{DATE}} at {{START_TIME}} Mountain Standard Time. This workshop will introduce you to [ADD YOUR OWN DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKSHOP HERE.] Use the Time Zone converter to check your local time.

The Library Workshop Outline will be used throughout the workshop. Click the link below to download the outline for {{TITLE}}. [Note: this is the link to download the Searching 101 workshop]

Note that you must have access to an internet-enabled computer with audio for the entire length of the workshop. Use the information below to access our meeting. I recommend clicking the link at least 10 minutes before the meeting time in order to initiate setup of Zoom. I’ve also included a link to the Zoom support video, should you need further instructions on how to access the audio and visual portions of the session.          

Zoom: How Do I Join a Meeting?

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

[Insert Zoom scheduled meeting link and audio access here]

To cancel your registration visit:  {{{CANCEL_URL}}}

I look forward to speaking with you all! If you have any questions prior to the workshop, please feel free to contact me.  You may also send me questions that you would like to see covered during the workshop.

Select: 1 hour after Event

Follow-up Email Subject: Thank you for attending {{TITLE}}

Follow-up Email Body:

Hi {{FIRST_NAME}},                                        

Thank you for registering for the {{TITLE}}.

For those of you that were able to attend, I truly hope it was helpful! Please take a moment to fill out the brief Survey by clicking the link below. The Library uses your feedback to improve our instruction services. However, please do not include any questions in the survey responses. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me directly, or to use Ask a Librarian. This will ensure that your questions are addressed in a timely manner.

Thanks again for your participation!

Survey Feedback:


If you were unable to attend and would like to view an archived workshop recording, please see the Library Workshop Videos page:

9. Send an Announcement: We are not using this feature.

10. Publishing Status: Select Published to make your event visible on the calendar.

11. Click Submit: Add New Event!

LibCal generates a confirmation email that is sent from These system emails can be customized as a generic confirmation message. To edit this email, go to Calendars on the orange menu bar, click on the NU Library Workshop Calendar. In the upper right corner under your login name, click Settings and select Email Settings. Here you can edit the Event Confirmation email. This email has been customized as shown below:

Subject Line: {{EVENT_TITLE}} confirmed!
Email Body: Hi {{FIRST_NAME}},

You have registered for '{{EVENT_TITLE}}' - {{{EVENT_DATE_TIME}}} Mountain Standard Time. Use the Time Zone Converter to check your local time:

For workshop access information please visit: {{{EVENT_URL}}} . You will also receive a reminder email one day prior to the workshop date.

To cancel this registration visit: {{{CANCEL_URL}}}

For any other questions, please contact

Other Calendar emails can be configured in this section:

Registration Alert: An email will be sent to the event organizer when 5 seats are remaining (this can be changed to various settings)

Limit Event Registrations to certain Email domain names: Leave this field blank

Waiting List Event Confirmation: Sent to the user upon registering for the waiting list

Coming off the waiting List and being confirmed: Sent to the user if they come off the waiting list

Reminder Email & Follow-up Email: These features are duplicated. The reminder & follow-up email settings within the event overrides this setting. Do not configure these areas.

Announcement Email: Sent to the user when a new event is created. At this time, we have disabled the Send Announcement feature in the events. If enabled, this email would be sent to patrons who have previously registered for an event alerting them to a new workshop event.

Go to  Admin > Calendars from the command bar.

Click the Create New Template button.

On the Create New Template page, set the Template Name. This is how others will know what the template is for when creating their events.

Configure the  Event TimeTitle & Event InfoEvent Details, and Event Registration settings as needed.

Everything you select here will be applied to new events created with this template, but can be changed by the event organizer. See the links below for info about the available options.

Event Date/Time: includes the Start Time, End Time, Setup Padding, Teardown Padding, and All Day Event options.

Title & Event Info: includes the Title, Description, More Info, and Featured Image URL options.

Event Details: includes the Campus, Event Organizer, Presenter, Audiences, Category, Color, and Internal Tags options.

Please note that the Location cannot be predefined in an event template since it may not always be available when an event is created.

Event Registration: includes the Registration is Required (and all registration settings), Send Email Reminder, and Send Follow-up Email/Survey options.

Note: if you change a template later on, those changes will not be applied retroactively to existing events.

Click the Save and Exit button.



Instructions taken from Springshare. 

Create an Event Template from an Existing Event

Instead of creating a new template from scratch, you can create a template from an existing event. This will copy over the relevant info from that event into a new template, which you can then customize as needed. 

  • When editing your calendar, click on an event to view its details.
  • Click on the down arrow () portion of the Modify Event button.
  • Select Create Template from Event from the dropdown menu.
  • Note​: this option is only available to Admin users.
  • Make any changes to the template as needed.
  • Click the Save and Exit button.

Instructions taken from Springshare

To see registered participants, click on the event in the NU Library Workshops calendar and click the Manage tab. You can see all registered attendees and have options to print, email, or export to an Excel spreadsheet. You may also manually add attendees.

Once participants are registered for your event, you will see the Email Attendees tab. You can send an email (reminder, changes, etc.) to all registered attendees if you wish. The TO area is automatically blind so recipients do not see other attendees email addresses.  (See screenshot below).

Record Attendees

We can manually track the number of attendees by going to the NU Library Workshops Calendar, clicking on the event, and proceeding to the Manage tab. From here, you can input your total number of attendees and click Save, as shown below. The numbers will show up under the Calendar Statistics for Actual Attendees. 


Workshop Descriptions
Workshop Name Description Currently Offered?
Advanced Search Skills Group Session Join Librarian Amanda Bezet/Sherry Mohr for the Advanced Search Skills weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building session will dive deep into database search techniques. Go beyond basic keyword searching to mastering Boolean operators, truncation, phrases, subject terms, field codes, and proximity. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Attend as often as you like! Yes
Am I Done? A Deep Dive into Finding More Research with Web of Knowledge

Have you exhausted all your searches? Do you feel like you're running in circles and finding the same research articles over and over and get it...again? Are you unsure if there's more literature available on your topic? 

Join Librarian Sherry Mohr for an in depth look at Web of Knowledge, a great research tool for discovering seminal and high impact articles as well as determining whether more research exists on your topic. This engaging, skill-building session will dive deep into the world of topic searching, seminal research, and building citation maps. Go beyond basic keyword searching to discover the endless possibilities. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Sherry and your fellow peers. 

Beginning the Research Process

This workshop will introduce students to the beginning stages of the research process, focusing on initial information gathering through electronic books. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for background information on their chosen topic.   

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] for a workshop that will introduce students to the beginning stages of the research process, focusing on initial information gathering through electronic books. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for background information on their chosen topic.

Finding Seminal Research

This workshop will introduce students to resources which can be used to locate seminal works for a particular discipline. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for this type of information.     

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] as we provide you with an introduction to resources which can be used to locate seminal works for a particular discipline. Learn how to locate pivotal studies using SAGE Navigator, Web of Knowledge, and additional Library and online resources.

Interlibrary Loan & Alternatives

This workshop will introduce students to the Interlibrary Loan service and identify when it is appropriate to place Interlibrary Loan requests. It will also provide students with techniques to become more effective at locating research material outside of the NU Library.        

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] as we provide you with library essentials necessary to get you off on the right foot. This workshop will introduce you to the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service and will identify when it is appropriate to place ILL requests. It will also provide you with techniques to become more effective at locating research material outside of the NU Library using and additional resources.
Introduction to Tests & Measurements

This workshop will introduce students to resources which can be used to locate tests and measurements for dissertation research. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for this type of information. 

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] for an introduction to library resources which can be used to locate tests and measurements for dissertation research. This workshop will provide you with techniques to become more effective at searching for this type of information.

Learn the Library - Business

This workshop will introduce students to Business research databases available from the Library. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for information within this field.

Please join us Sunday, April 24th at 3:00pm Mountain Standard Time (6pm Eastern, 5pm Central, 4pm Mountain Daylight, 3pm Pacific) for a workshop focusing on the Library's Business databases. We will demonstrate and discuss resources for locating SWOT Analyses, company reports, industry reports, marketing data, company finances, and more. Sample database searches will be performed, and there will be time for questions and answers.    

Learn the Library - Education

This workshop will introduce students to Education research databases available from the Library. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for information within this field.    

Please join us Thursday, September 22nd at 5:00pm Mountain Time (8:00pm Eastern, 7:00pm Central, 6:00 Mountain Daylight, 5:00pm Pacific) for a workshop that will focus on research in education. We will follow, demonstrate, and discuss the best Library resources for education related research. Sample database searches will be performed, and there will be time for questions and answers.

Learn the Library - Psychology & MFS

This workshop will introduce students to Psychology and MFS databases available from the Library. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for information within this field.    

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] for a workshop that will focus on research in psychology. We will demonstrate and discuss the best Library resources for psychology related research. Sample database searches will be performed and there will be time for questions and answers.

Library Dissertation Toolbox Series - General Description Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. Each week will focus on a particular skill set, such as researching theoretical frameworks, limiting your database search by research methodology, identifying seminal works, etc. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Finding & Staying Current on a Research Topic Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about library and online resources to find and stay current on a resarch topic. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Reading a Scholarly Article Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about effective techniques for reading and understanding a scholarly article. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Literature Gap & Future Research Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about search techniques for identifying a gap in the literature and future research. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Organizing Research Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about library resources, including database accounts and RefWorks, to help organize your research. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Citing Articles & Similar Resources Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn how to locate citing articles for a resource and use other techniques for finding similar research. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Evaluating & Using Information Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about how to effectively evaluate and use resources. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Note: This session does not review citing and APA Style. Please see the Academic Success Center for all writing help. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Finding Grey Literature Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about how to identify and locate grey literature. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Finding Systematic Reviews & Meta - Analyses Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about how to locate systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Finding Seminal Works Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about effective techniques for identifying and locating seminal research. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Researching Theoretical & Conceptual Frameworks Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn how to effectively search for theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Research Methods & Design Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about how to locate reliable information relating to research methodology. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Dissertation Toolbox - Finding Tests & Measurements Join Librarian Amanda Bezet for the Library Dissertation Toolbox weekly group session. This engaging, skill-building series is designed specifically for doctoral students. Learn how to effectively locate, evaluate, and use information relating to your dissertation research topic. This week learn about how to effectively locate test instruments. Come prepared to share your questions and learn from Amanda and your fellow peers. Yes
Library Orientation Join Lindsay Martinez for a Library Orientation. This is a 30-minute session where you can bring your general library questions regarding; navigation, staff support, and available resources. Or, join to get a quick overview of library tiered levels of support and resources.  Yes

This workshop will introduce students to the Library’s MEDLINE Complete and CINAHL Complete databases. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at locating medical, nursing and allied health information within these databases.     

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] as we explore the Library’s MEDLINE with Full Text and CINAHL with Full Text databases. We will cover techniques to become more effective at locating medical, nursing and allied health information within these databases.      

RefWorks PLUS+: Exploring Advanced Features and Tools for Research Management

Join Librarian Marisha Kelly for this one-hour session on customizing your settings and exploring advanced features in RefWorks, a web-based research management tool. You'll go beyond the basics and focus on configuring custom fields, sharing projects, tagging sources, finding duplicates, and annotating documents. Further maximize your use of RefWorks by learning how to integrate tools like Dropbox, Google Scholar, and Kopernio. RefWorks Power Hour: Introduction to RefWorks workshop is a pre-requisite for this session. 

RefWorks Power Hour: Introduction to RefWorks

Join Librarian Marisha Kelly for this one-hour session where you’ll learn to leverage RefWorks, a web-based citation management tool, for collecting, organizing, and formatting your research. Explore features like storing your references, creating an annotated bibliography, and adding citations to a Word document. Whether you are new to RefWorks or seeking guidance on advanced functions, bring your questions and a working list of references for tips and tricks.

Resources for Finding a Research Topic

This workshop will introduce students to library and online resources which can be used to locate potential topics for a research paper or dissertation. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at brainstorming topic ideas, searching for research topics, and evaluating the available literature.  

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] for an introduction to library resources which can be used to locate potential topics for a research paper or dissertation. This workshop will explore websites, reference books, and scholarly articles, as well as review criteria to consider when selecting a topic. 

Running Research with Roadrunner

Join Librarian XYZ for this one-hour session where you’ll learn the ins-and-outs of Roadrunner, the NU Library’s unified search engine. As a research discovery tool, Roadrunner provides you with access to scholarly content and resources on a single search platform. Build your understanding while uncovering Roadrunner’s features and recognizing how search results are populated and ranked. Explore additional tools for more efficient and effective searching within the interface.

SAGE Research Methods

This workshop will introduce students to SAGE Research Methods, the Library’s reference collection on research methodology. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at discovering content within this database.

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] as we explore one of the library's most useful tools: SAGE Research Methods. SAGE Research Methods provides more than 1,000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos covering every step of the research process. We'll review the new platform, including how to discover content through browsing, searching, reading lists, and the Methods Map.

Searching 101

This workshop will introduce students to basic search techniques for conducting research in the Library’s NavigatorSearch.

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] as we provide you with the searching essentials necessary to get you off on the right foot. This library workshop will cover the basics of searching: Boolean logic, keywords vs. subjects, how to use a database thesaurus, and truncation. Various databases will be used throughout the workshop to demonstrate different searching techniques.

Searching 102

This workshop will introduce students to advanced searching techniques in order to take their research to the next level. Prerequisite: Searching 101 Workshop

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] as we provide you with advanced searching techniques to take your research to the next level. This library workshop will build upon Searching 101 and will include: field searching, nesting, proximity searching, and finding similar resources. Various databases will be used throughout the workshop to demonstrate different searching techniques. 

Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analysis

This workshop will introduce students to resources which can be used to locate systematic reviews and meta-analysis studies. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for this type of information.    

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] for an introduction to library resources which can be used to locate systematic reviews and meta-analysis studies. This workshop will provide you with techniques to become more effective at searching for this type of information.

The Write Stuff: Tools for Research and Writing presented by the Academic Success Center and the NU Library

This interactive session will provide you with an introduction to research and writing tools available within the Academic Success Center and the NU Library. An ASC coach and NU librarian will review content and resources geared toward academic success. Discover tools like Grammarly, RefWorks, SAGE Research Methods, and APA’s Academic Writer, and learn how to integrate them for efficient researching and effective writing. Whether you are a new or current student, you are encouraged to attend and bring questions.

Website Evaluation

This workshop will introduce students to criteria used to evaluate websites for use in scholarly research. It will provide students with the knowledge to avoid being misled by inaccurate, inauthentic, or otherwise unscholarly websites.    

Please join us [INSERT DATE/TIME] for a workshop focusing on the basics of website evaluation. There is a lot of information on the Internet, but how can you tell the good from the bad? This workshop will present search engine tips, basics of website evaluation, and will include practice websites for you to evaluate.



Create/modify workshop outlines.

Workshop outlines need to follow a standardized format:

  • Title of the workshop at the top;
  •  Library contact information (phone and email); and
  •  Learning Objectives.
    • Learning Objectives need to be measurable (i.e. an action that you can observe or a task that can be correctly or incorrectly performed); they cannot be theoretical (i.e. The student will know how to research appropriately).

If you are creating a research based workshop it may be helpful to organize your outline according to the research process:

  • Selecting a topic; 
  • Gaining general knowledge;
  • Narrowing your topic;
  • Scholarly research.

Within this outline use the five information literacy outcomes to describe what should be done with the information. See previously created workshop outlines for examples of this. Write outlines with the idea that students will be able to refer to them later for assistance. Research tips, detailed search steps, extra resources, etc. are all useful.  When you have finished creating the outline, see instructions under the Images, Documents & Files tab within the Reference section for adding the document to LibGuides Assets.


One of the first things you will want to do is sync your Outlook calendar. Click on the Outlook/Exchange Calendar tab found on the Appointments page. Follow the prompts for syncing your Outlook calendar with LibCal Appointments.

NOTE: If you change your Windows Laptop password, you will also need to update it within Appointments to keep your Outlook calendar synced. Appointments should notify you of this as soon as you log in.

Once a student books an available time with you, you will receive an automatic email notification, as well as the appointment on your Outlook calendar.

Use: When using Zoom Integration with LibCal, the system requires users to register in order to receive the meeting information and link to join. The Library uses this feature for 1:1 appointments but not for group workshops since we currently have users who join sessions through links posted on event pages and in The Commons. To explore using this feature for your Resource Center, please contact Marisha Kelly.   

1. Log into LibCal and go to Appointments.

2. Click on the Integrations tab.

3. Under the Integrations tab, scroll down to the Zoom: Online Meetings box and enter the email address for the Zoom account you want to use in the Zoom Email field.

4. Click the Connect to Zoom button.

The Connect to Zoom button for an individual user5. Once an account is successfully connected to a Zoom account, a "Connected to Zoom" message will be displayed in this box.

6. You can disconnect the account from Zoom by clicking the Disconnect button.

The Disconnect from Zoom button for an individual user

Once your Appointments users have been connected to Zoom accounts, they can begin offering online appointments by adding availability to a location that has a Meeting Type of Online. Only the appointments that are booked with a user from an Online location will have the Zoom meeting created and sent to the patron making the booking.

Appointment Settings

Once synced, proceed to the My Settings tab. In the Appointment Settings section, adjust all settings to the following:

Appointment Duration

90 minutes

Appointment Padding

30 minutes

Patron Must Book In Advance

3 days before Appointment

Patron Can Cancel Appointment

0 hours before Appointment

Patron Booking Window

1 month

Public Nickname

Leave blank

Friendly URL

We do not create these

Restrict Bookings by Email Domain

Leave blank

Patron Reminder Email

1 day before Appointment

Patron Follow Up Email

1 hour after Appointment




Appointment Form Questions

Scroll down to the Appointment Form Questions section. Name and Email will be default required fields. Add the following questions and mark each question as Required, with the exception of Student ID. The questions should appear in the order listed below: 

Appointment Form Questions
Question Text Selection Type Drop-down Selections

Student ID (do not mark as required)

Single-line text  
Select your School Drop-down School of Business, School of Education, School of Social & Behavioral Sciences, School of Technology, School of Health Sciences
Describe your research topic as thoroughly as possible (Do NOT copy/paste your dissertation title here) Multi-line text  
What databases, search engines, or keyword terms have you used? What challenges are you having with locating research on your topic?  Multi-line text  
Please provide one or more examples of articles on your research topic. Multi-line text  
Who is your Dissertation Chair? (FIRST and LAST name) Single-line text  
Have you attended or viewed the Searching 101 workshop? (This is required prior to requesting a consult) Drop-down Yes, No
Is this your first library research consultation?  Drop-down Yes, No

Appointment Form File Uploads 

Select file uploads disabled

Confirmation Email to Patron

Copy and paste the following text into the confirmation email template.

Subject Line

Your Research Consultation with {{MY_NAME}} has been confirmed

Email Body

Hi {{NAME}},

This email confirms your Research Consultation:


With: {{MY_NAME}} ({{MY_EMAIL}}) 

All scheduled times are in Arizona – Mountain Standard Time. Please use the Time Zone Converter to calculate time for your time zone (

Note that you must have access to an internet-enabled computer with audio for the entire length of the session. Use the information below to access our meeting. I recommend clicking the link at least 10 minutes before the meeting time in order to initiate setup of Zoom. I’ve also included a link to the Zoom support video, should you need further instructions on how to access the audio and visual portions of the session.                                                   

Please let me know if you have any questions prior to our consultation.

Zoom: How Do I Join a Meeting?

Use the information below to join our virtual research consultation:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :

    US: +16465588656,,8649315240#  or +16699006833,,8649315240#

Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 864 931 5240

International numbers available:

To cancel this appointment visit:  {{{CANCEL_URL}}}


Confirmation Email to Admin

Copy and paste the following text into the confirmation email template (if not already included by default).

Subject Line: You have a new scheduled appointment


Hi {{{MY_NAME}}},

You have a New Appointment!:

When: {{TIME_DATE}}

With: {{NAME}} ({{EMAIL}})






    {{#ATTACHMENTS}}<li><a href="{{{url}}}">{{name}}</a></li>{{/ATTACHMENTS}}




Patron Cancel Email to Patron

Copy and paste the following text into the confirmation email template (if not already included by default).

Subject: Your appointment has been cancelled!


Hi {{{NAME}}},

The following appointment has been cancelled:

When: {{TIME_DATE}}

With: {{{MY_NAME}}}{{#MY_EMAIL}} ({{MY_EMAIL}}){{/MY_EMAIL}}



Admin Cancel Email to Patron

Copy and paste the following text into the confirmation email template.

Subject Line

Sorry, your Research Consultation has been cancelled!

Email Body

Hi {{NAME}}, 

The following research consultation has been cancelled:

When: {{TIME_DATE}}

With: {{MY_NAME}}  ({{MY_EMAIL}})

Your request has been canceled for one of the following reasons:

•         Your request fell outside the scope or areas of assistance for the research consultation service. Please see our areas of assistance (

•         Your request can be immediately addressed as a reference question.

•         You have submitted two or more consultation requests at once.

•         The Librarian is no longer available at that time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience! If you have any questions you may contact the Library at or 888-628-1569.

Reminder Email to Patron

Copy and paste the following text into the confirmation email template.

Subject Line

Research Consultation reminder!

Email Body


This is a reminder about your research consultation at {{START_TIME}}, {{DATE}} at {{LOCATION}}.

All scheduled times are in Arizona – Mountain Standard Time. Please use the Time Zone Converter to calculate time for your time zone (

Note that you must have access to an internet-enabled computer with audio for the entire length of the session. Use the information below to access our meeting. I recommend clicking the link at least 10 minutes before the meeting time in order to initiate setup of Zoom. I’ve also included a link to the Zoom support video, should you need further instructions on how to access the audio and visual portions of the session.                                                   

Please let me know if you have any questions prior to our consultation.

Zoom: How Do I Join a Meeting?

Use the information below to join our virtual research consultation:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :

    US: +16465588656,,8649315240#  or +16699006833,,8649315240#

Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 864 931 5240

International numbers available:

To cancel this appointment visit:  {{{CANCEL_URL}}}

Follow Up Email to Patron

Copy and paste the following text into the confirmation email template.


Thanks for attending the appointment on {{START_TIME}}, {{DATE}}.

The Library would really appreciate your feedback on the research consultation I provided. It will help us to improve our sessions going forward. You may submit feedback here:

If you have any further questions, please contact me thank you!

Once you have synced your Outlook calendar and set up your email templates go to the Availability tab so that you can set up your availability times.

Note that Appointments will automatically block off any times during which you are shown as busy in Outlook. Please note, if you have reminders set for yourself in Outlook you want to double check that your reminders do not show you as busy.

Additionally, make sure to add all booked research consultations to the *Library Calendar so that the team knows you will be using the Zoom during that hour. Open a New Meeting Request and format the Subject as “RC – Student’s Name”. This will ensure that no other meetings are accidentally booked during your consult hour. Alternatively, you can open the Outlook appointment from you own calendar and “invite” the *Library.

Once you have synced your Outlook calendar and set up your email templates go to the Availability tab so that you can set up your availability times.

Note that Appointments will automatically block off any times during which you are shown as busy in Outlook. Please note, if you have reminders set for yourself in Outlook you want to double check that your reminders do not show you as busy.

Additionally, make sure to add all booked research consultations to the *Library Calendar so that the team knows you will be using the Zoom during that hour. Open a New Meeting Request and format the Subject as “RC – Student’s Name”. This will ensure that no other meetings are accidentally booked during your consult hour. Alternatively, you can open the Outlook appointment from you own calendar and “invite” the *Library.

Add/Delete Availability

In the Add/Delete Availability section, you will add your availability. Select the Repeat Pattern that best represents how your availability should be added. With the Weekly option you can designate start and end times for a series of days in the week (i.e., Tuesday through Thursday). Multi-Date Picker will permit you to designate different start and end times for individual days (i.e., Sunday).

Note that when viewing your upcoming appointments, it will display 1.5 hours as the appointment duration on the admin side, one-hour duration on the public side, and one-hour duration in the appointments block. This looks to be how the system was designed, to let you know the entire block lasts 1.5 hours. You can rest assured that bookings, however, are only one-hour long.

Additionally, if you set availability times for weeks in advance, it is recommended that you check the Appointments calendar each week to ensure that your displayed availability is accurate. If a timeslot is showing you as available and you want to remove the availability for that timeslot, go Add/Delete Availability and select the date(s) and time(s) you would like to remove. Next, click on Run Pre-Delete Checks. If no appointments are booked during that time, the Delete Availability button will display.

Use this page to view information on all of your upcoming appointments. To create a new booking, click on the appropriate time slot in the availability grid. To view past appointments, use the arrows or select a date in the calendar grid and click on the confirmed booking slot, or use the Booking Explorer tab.

Canceling an Appointment

If a student cancels an appointment you will receive an automatic email notification and Appointments will again show you as available during that time slot.

If you need to cancel an appointment with a student go to that designated week on your My Appointments tab. Click on the trash can icon next within the appointment you would like to cancel. 

Changing an Appointment Time or Changing the Librarian

If a student cancels an appointment you will receive an automatic email notification and Appointments will again show you as available during that time slot.

If you need to cancel an appointment with a student go to that designated week on your My Appointments tab. Click on the trash can icon next within the appointment you would like to cancel. 



Follow the instructions below to pull statistics on entered Research Consultations via Ref Analytics:

  1. Go to LibAnswers > Ref. Analytics > Statistics
  2. Filter by Question Type: Research Consultation
  3. If you would like only consultations that you provided, select your name under the Entered by menu.
  4. Click on the Date/Time Stats tab to see the monthly breakdown

Note: This category will show all entered consultations including those that were delivered and no-shows. To see more specific data, click Analyze Metadata tab – this breaks down the entries by time (more than 20 minutes = delivered; 0-5/5-10= no show)

Follow the instructions below to pull statistics on all Appointments via LibCal Stats:

  1. Go LibCal > Stats > Appointments
  2. Filter by date and by user

Note: Stats will provide a summary of total bookable hours, confirmed appointments, canceled appointments, and percentage of users that showed up. If you would like to see who has the most Appointments bookings for the year so far, proceed to General under the Stats menu and scroll down to “Appointments Accounts with the most bookings…”

Resource Center Customization

Display Resource Center Banner on Specific Calendar

NOTE: The Library main banner shows on all calendars and calendar events. The banner links back to the main Library landing page (not the calendar) which is counterproductive for Resource Centers wanting to direct people back to their main site. 

IRB calendar displaying the main library banner

As a work around for Resource Center calendars, you can add your center banner to the Calendar Short Description field.

Go to the Event Calendar > Settings > Calendar Settings.

LibCal calendar settings menu

Paste the following code snippet in the Short Description field, replace the Title, link to your banner image, and the link to your Resource Center homepage. The first piece of code hides the main Library banner and the second piece adds the Resource Center banner with redirect link. 

#s-lc-public-banner {
  display: none;
<div class="container"  style="
    padding-left: 0px;
    padding-right: 0px;
"><a href="" title="CTL" target="" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"><img alt="Banner Image" name="s-lib-banner-img" id="s-lib-banner-img" class="img-responsive" src="//
" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a></div> 


Click the Save button and test that the banner displays and links properly. 

LibCal Short Description field showing new banner code


Remove Stacked Banners on Event Template 

Not all the calendar views (month, list, event) function the same way. To avoid double-stacking the Resource Center and main Library banners, add this code to the event template in the Source code of the More Information About This Event field. 

<style type="text/css">/* LibCal - Hide Main Library Banner DO NOT DELETE code between STYLE tags */
#s-lc-public-banner {
  display: none;}


Navigate to LibCal > Admin > Calendars

LibCal admin calendar menu

Find the calendar event template you need to edit under Calendar Management. Click the Edit Template button. 

List of calendars in Calendar management page

In the More Info field, click the Source button and add the code snippet to hide the main Library banner. 

Event template showing the source code for More Info field




