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TRA-7400 v1

Week 1 Resources

Creating Safe and Supportive Schools for Students Impacted by Traumatic Experience

Ristuccia, J. M. (2013). Creating safe and supportive schools for students impacted by traumatic experience. In Eric Rossen, and Robert Hull (Eds.), Supporting and educating traumatized students: A guide for school-based professionals. Oxford University Press

Read Chapter 17, pp. 253 – 262. A chart referring to educators’ perceptions is on p. 257.


Future of education and skills 2030

OECD (2019). Future of education and skills 2030: Conceptual learning framework: Attitudes and values for 2030. 

This important report from the Office for Economic Cooperation and Development emphasizes the significance of attitudes and values in education in this segment of the report referred to as a Concept Note.


Intelligent Dispositions: Dewey, Habits, and Inquiry in Teacher Education

Nelson, P. J. (2015). Intelligent dispositions: Dewey, habits, and inquiry in teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education 66(1), 86-98. https://doi-org/10.1177/0022487114535267

This article argues that dispositions can be thought of as clusters of habits. The author concludes that teacher education should include the development of intelligent habits as they can inform intelligent dispositions. Connecting the Dots: Exploring Dispositions in Teacher Education


Connecting the Dots: Exploring Dispositions in Teacher Education

Mpofu, N., and Nthontho, M. (2017). Connecting the dots: Exploring dispositions in teacher education. Gender & Behaviour, 15(4), 10290–10303.

This study looks at the teaching dispositions of pre-service educators to define and determine effective teaching dispositions.


Transformative Dimensions of Lifelong Learning

Eschenbacher, S., & Fleming, T. (2020). Transformative dimensions of lifelong learning: Mezirow, Rorty, and COVID-19. International Review of Education 66(5/6), 657–672.

This article discusses transformative learning (TL) and perspective change in a post COVID-19 world filled with ambivalence. The background on TL will be helpful in considering educator dispositions and a process for dispositional change.