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You are required to write consent material/s for your NU IRB application if all of the following are true:
If your research involves minors (17 years of age or younger), see the information regarding Parental Permission and Minor Assent. If your research involves normal education activities in everyday educational settings (adults or minors), see the information regarding Information Letters.
Using one of the Consent material templates, you will write a consent material so that potential participants have all the information about your study in one place and can make an informed decision as to whether they want to participate in your study. Consent material is just one part of the informed consent process. Informed consent is an ongoing process that begins during recruitment and continues throughout the study.
If you are engaging with adult participants in real-time (interviews, focus groups, observations, etc.) as your first or only activity, you will send potential participants a copy of the Consent Form before you meet with them. You then must do the following:
Email the consent form before the interview/focus group/observation with enough time for the participant to review it, and ask these questions at the beginning of the first data collection activity:
You need a 'yes' to questions 1, 2, & 4.
If you are distributing an Online Survey or Questionnaire, as your first or only activity, you will do the following:
You will paste your Online Consent into your survey/questionnaire as the first page. Please use the following steps (in Qualtrics).
Only after you have received IRB approval can you consent participants. You cannot consent participants or collect data until you have IRB approval.
Consent is only collected once, before the first research activity.
You are required to use the NU IRB consent template, unless you are working with an IRB/ HRPP that is requiring you to use their template.
No! Using a required template is not plagiarism. The consent template has language that is required by federal regulations. You should not change or revise any of the template language.
If you have multiple participant groups, you will use a separate consent for each group.
The NU IRB recommends that you receive feedback on your consent before you submit your IRB application:
The consent material you upload to your IRB application should be ready to send to the participants. Double-check the following: