Eligibility criteria is a list of criteria that someone is required to meet in order to be eligible to participate in your study. You will write eligibility criteria if you are conducting human subjects research.
Your eligibility criteria should be so clear that a potential participant can read it and say "Yes, I am eligible for that study" or "No, I am not eligible for that study." Keep the following in mind when writing your eligibility criteria:
The NU IRB recommends that you attend a Customized Group Session and receive feedback on your eligibility criteria before you submit your IRB application.
Eligibility criteria will appear in 3 locations within most IRB applications:
Your eligibility criteria should be exactly, word-for-word the same in all 3 locations.
Email us at irb@nu.edu
Visit the IRB Office Hours page
Pre-screening is the term used to describe activities before obtaining informed consent (e.g., screening to see if the potential participant meets inclusion criteria for this study). Pre-screening may not include any research procedures. If you are pre-screening, the IRB will expect to see your pre-screening material/s as part of your application. Screening is the term used to describe activities performed after obtaining consent to ensure subjects are qualified for the study. (e.g., participants need to have a particular physical or mental condition that is required to be part of the study, and you give them a measurement scale to determine if they experience that condition.) If you are screening, the IRB will expect to see this as part of your regular research activities. Most studies involve only the use of eligibility criteria for determining who is qualified, and further information is not needed. |