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Institutional Review Board (IRB): Office Hours

Who is IRB Office Hours for?

Have you read the Get Started with IRB webpage?

     - If not, follow this link.

Have you fully reviewed the IRB website?

     - If not, be sure to do so before scheduling Office Hours.

Have you attended pertinent group sessions?

     - If not, be sure to attend (and submit supplemental materials to) group sessions before scheduling Office Hours.

Do you have questions that go beyond the scope of the website and group sessions?

     - If so, please schedule Office Hours.

Contact the IRB

email icon Email us at    

 Visit the IRB Office Hours page

*** Special note about scheduling Office Hours ***

Can I schedule multiple IRB Office Hours appointments in a single day/week?

No, you may not schedule more than one (1) Office Hours appointment per week. To ensure that we are able to reach as many researchers as possible, you will not be permitted to sign up for more than one (1) Office Hours appointment in a single week. Any additional Office Hours appointments in the same week will be canceled.

Office Hours

IRB Office Hours (OH) is a space for students, faculty, and staff to ask questions of NU IRB staff. We can answer questions about NU IRB processes, procedures, requirements, services, and feedback. Please note that we will not review your IRB application or documents during OH.  Additionally, IRB OH staff will not provide assistance with dissertation-specific elements (method, design, topic, population, sample, etc.)  Please attend, and submit materials to, the Group Writing Sessions for help with documents. Please seek the advice of your chair and committee regarding elements of the dissertation.

OH meetings last for 15 minutes; please prepare for your brief meeting and bring specific questions.  OH staff can accept the following questions/topics for discussion: processes (overall IRB process, application process, etc.), procedures (recruitment/consent/assent/etc.), requirements (supplemental application documents as well as what is needed to satisfy the answers to specific questions within the application), services (Group Sessions), and feedback (received through our events, services, and/or application reviews). You can receive the most appropriate support if you provide within the registration system important details concerning what you will ask about during the OH.

Please note that you must schedule an appointment below to attend IRB Office Hours. Before you schedule your appointment, please review all materials on this page.

IRB Office Hours and Group Sessions are optional resources, and availability is limited.  Due to demand, individuals failing to attend 3 times will be prohibited from registering for these IRB Services.

How do IRB Office Hours work?

To attend IRB Office Hours, you must schedule an appointment. You will be allowed to schedule one (1) 15-minute appointment slot per week. 15 minutes will be reserved for you to present your topic of discussion and receive guidance. Please note that we must firmly abide by the 15-minute time allowance for each appointment. 

What if I miss my scheduled time?

If you miss your scheduled time, you will need to reschedule your appointment. There are other people arriving for their appointments, and we want to respect everyone's time. If you arrive late, you will be removed from the waiting room. 

What if I arrive early?

If you arrive early, you will wait in the ZOOM waiting room. If the appointment prior to yours ended early, you may be brought into the meeting early. 

Can I schedule multiple IRB Office Hours appointments in a single day/week?

No, you may not schedule more than one (1) Office Hours appointment per week. To ensure that we are able to reach as many researchers as possible, you will not be permitted to sign up for more than one (1) Office Hours appointment in a single week. Any additional Office Hours appointments in the same week will be canceled.

What if I need more than 15 minutes?

You can schedule additional Office Hours in future weeks.

For Student Primary Investigator (PI): Can my Dissertation Chair/Faculty Sponsor attend Office Hours with me?

Your chair/FS is welcome and encouraged to join you in Office Hours. Please note that for your chair to attend, you must forward the confirmation email to them once you schedule your Office Hours appointment. 

Zoom Meeting Information