Required Course Materials
Russell L. Weaver et al., Criminal Law: A Contemporary Approach (4th ed. 2021).
- Note that first-time users must go directly to - locate the title under "Materials Provided by my School" - Accept the terms of service and add it to your Bookshelf in West Academic.
Barbri materials* (FAQ - Barbri)
*Barbri is a well-regarded bar exam preparation course, so please hold off on the purchase of other commercial outlines until you have a chance to assess the benefit of using the Barbri materials. And consider that the Barbri materials are meant as “review” materials. This means that they are most helpful after some basic doctrine has been absorbed.
*There are quality lectures and other study materials included with your WestAcademic access made available through this course. In some weeks, you will be instructed to listen to these, but you would be benefitted by exploring even more than the required material.
Allen, M. (2016, October). Exam skills for success in criminal law. doi:10.1093/he/9780198745204.003.0001
Assault and battery penal code. Retrieved from§ionNum=240
Burgman, D. (1979). Unilateral conspiracy: Three critical perspectives. DePaul Law Review, 29(1): 75-113. Retrieved from
Field, T. G. (2013). Crimes involving intangible property. The University of New Hampshire Law Review, 11(2): 171-188. Retrieved from
FindLaw. (2010, March 26). Defending yourself against a criminal charge. Retrieved from
Fisher, K. (2018). No time like the present, except the past fifty years: Why California should finally adopt the model penal code sentencing provisions. The University of the Pacific Law Review, 49(3): 661-697. Retrieved from
Gramlich, J. (2019, June 11). Only 2% of federal criminal defendants go to trial, and most who do are found guilty. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from
Justia. (n.d.). Racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations (RICO) law. Retrieved from
Kadish, S. H. (1997). Reckless complicity. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 87(2): 369-394. Retrieved from
Macias, M. (2019, November 19). Appeals court upholds California’s revamped felony-murder accomplice law. Retrieved from
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. (2018, July 10). The trial penalty: The sixth amendment right to trial on the verge of extinction and how to save it. Retrieved from
Robinson, P. H., Kussmaul, M. G., Stoddard, C. M., Rudyak, I., & Kuersten, A. (2015). Journal of Legal Analysis, 7(1): 137–150. Retrieved from
Shouse Law Group. (2020, May 13). Penal Code 664 PC – Attempted crimes in California. Retrieved from
Smith, S. F. (2009). Proportional mens rea. American Criminal Law Review, 46(27): 127-155. Retrieved from
Ward, C. V. (2020). Three questions about stand your ground laws. Notre Dame Law Review, 95(3): 119-138. Retrieved from
Congressional Research Review. (2020, April 3). Federal conspiracy law: A brief overview. Retrieved from
Ehrenreich, N. (2016). Attempt, merger and transferred intent. Brooklyn Law Review, 82(1): 49-104. Retrieved from
Federal Bureau of Prisons. (n.d.). An overview of the first step act. Retrieved from
Foretia, C. (2020, January 20). You can be convicted of murder even if you haven’t killed anyone? Retrieved from
Gardner, J. (1998). The gist of excuses. Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 1(2): 575–598. Retrieved from
Gertner, N. (2010). A short history of American sentencing: Too little law, too much law, or just right. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 100(3): 691-707. Retrieved from;amp;context=jclc
Green, S. P. (2011). Thieving and receiving: Over criminalizing the possession of stolen property. New Criminal Law Review, 14(1): 35-54 Retrieved from
Ingle, M. P. (2019). Law on the rocks: The intoxication defenses are being eighty-sixed. Vanderbilt Law Review, 55(2): 607-646. Retrieved from
Jaconelli, J. (2018). Incitement: A study in language crime. Criminal Law and Philosophy 12: 245–265.
Jaroszewski, D. [David Jaroszewski]. (2015, June 4). Actus reus [Video file]. Retrieved from
Kaplan, M. (2017). Rape beyond crime. Retrieved from
Keiter, M. (1997). Just say no excuse: The rise and fall of the intoxication defense. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 87(2), 482-520. Retrieved from
Kleinfeld, J. (2016). Two cultures of punishment. Stanford Law Review, 68. Retrieved from
LearnLoads. (2014, June 19). Actus reus omissions [Video file]. Retrieved from
National Conference of State Legislatures. (2020, March 24). States and capital punishment. Retrieved from
National Institute of Justice. (1995). The criminalization of domestic violence: Promises and limits. Retrieved from
Roberts, K. (2016). The psychology of victim-blaming. The Atlantic. Retrieved from
Sala, T. (2019). What do you get when you abuse your spouse? Spousal support. University of the Pacific Law Review, 50(4): 735-761. Retrieved from
Schulhofer, S. J. (2017). Reforming the law of rape. Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice, 35(2): 335-352. Retrieved from
Shapiro Appleton & Washburn. (2014, January 3). What is preponderance of evidence? [Video file]. Retrieved from
Sullivan, M. [Michael Sullivan]. (2011, December 2). What does beyond a reasonable doubt mean? [Video file]. Retrieved from
Each of the following recommendations are available on your West Study Aids Subscription. Click on each to be redirected to the resource on West Study Aids
3. Exam Pro Objective on Criminal Law
4. Black Letter Outline on Criminal Law
5. Gilbert Law Summary on Criminal Law
6. A Short & Happy Guide to Criminal Law
7. Sum and Substance Audio on Criminal Law
8. Principles of Criminal Law (Concise Hornbook)
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