1. Wills, Trusts & Estates (Casebook Connect) - 11th Edition
Authors: Sitkoff/Dukeminier
Access via the lefthand navigation pane under "Course Resources" - Login to your Casebook Connect Account
2. A California Companion for the Course in Wills, Trusts and Estates (Casebook Connect) 2021-2022 Edition
Author: French
Access via the lefthand navigation pane under "Course Resources" - Login to your Casebook Connect Account
3. BARBRI Materials:
BarBri Wills Outline
BarBri Trusts Outline
The legal process by which property is passed from a person who has died to his or her heirs is called "probate" and the usual method for determining who shall inherit the various assets entails the Court enforcing the instructions in a written document designating heirs called a "will".
Recently, in an effort to avoid some of the costs of probate, it has become popular to create a legal document called a "trust" in which instructions for distributions after death are contained and which, if properly prepared, transfers assets after one's death without court involvement (and formal probate) but which achieves intended post death distribution as effectively as a will.
Each of the following recommendations are available on your West Study Aids Subscription. Click on each to be redirected to the resource on West Study Aids.
1. Exam Pro on Wills, Trusts, and Estates
2. Principles of Wills, Trusts and Estates
3. Wills & Trusts in a Nutshell
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