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JD Book Guide

This guide contains required and recommended materials and resources for each course in the JD program of the JFK School of Law

Required Textbooks

Required Reading: 

California Performance Test Workbook: Preparation for the Bar Exam Second Edition, Mary Basick, Tina Schindler - Aspen Publishing

Where to access: Casebook Connect – access through course by going to “Content > Course Information > "Course Resources”


What is Advanced Legal Writing?

Advanced Legal Writing (ALW) is a course that is typically taken in the last semester prior to graduation. In ALW, students respond to Performance Tests (PT) in which they perform tasks that have been presented in past administrations of the California Bar Examination. This course is set-up to assist students in gaining the skills required to master drafting an answer to a Legal Memorandum, a Memorandum of Points and Authorities, and an Opinion Letter. Over the course of the semester you will work on 2 Legal Memorandums, 2 Memorandums of Points and Authorities, and 1 Opinion Letter.

Recommended Resources

Each of the following recommendations are available on your West Study Aids Subscription. Click on each to be redirected to the resource on West Study Aids. 

1. Sum and Substance Audio on Exam Skills: Essay Writing

2. Legal Writing Style

3. Legal Drafting in a Nutshell

4. Legal Writing and Analysis in a Nutshell

5. A Short & Happy Guide to Legal Writing