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Faculty-Student Interaction Playbook

Created by faculty for faculty!

Teaching Through Engagement

Teaching Through Engagement (TTE) relies on the faculty and the student actively engaging with one another and forming a relationship that evolves and grows throughout the student's journey. 

Engagement begins with the Welcome Letter. This communication is maybe the most critical as it sets the stage for the rest of the course. 

  • Welcomes students to the course.
  • Establishes course expectations.
  • Invites students to engage with you.
  • It should empower the student to actively participate in the faculty-student relationship.

Instruction and feedback should be multimodal. Multimodal instruction and feedback provide the faculty unlimited ways to engage with the learner. 

  • Allow students to demonstrate mastery of course concepts in various ways (written, presentation, using a multimedia platform such as a blog). 
  • Provide demonstration videos to accompany written information. 
  • Provide feedback that engages the learner and moves beyond written comments. 
  • Invite the student to discuss feedback and encourage them to ask for any needed clarification.
  • Scaffold the learning process so students can tie previous learning to new concepts. 
  • Offer to meet via Zoom or by telephone. 

Engagement in Hybrid Courses

National University offers courses in a hybrid model across several campuses and military bases in California. Hybrid courses include an online component in NU Brightspace and in-person class sessions at the campus or base.