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Writing Resources

This guide contains all of the ASC's writing resources. If you do not see a topic, please contact us so we can add the needed topic. .

Key Resource: Grammarly

For self-editing and proofreading, one option for students is to use Grammarly, the automated grammar checker. Grammarly develops essential writing skills by helping students revise their papers and providing automated instructional feedback. National University provides students with a premium Grammarly subscription. To sign up for this service, please follow the directions below.

NoteAll NU Grammarly users need to use their University email so that we can ensure that users are active students, faculty, and staff.

*Please be sure to use Grammarly at least once every 90 days. Unused accounts are deleted quarterly.

ATTENTION! Grammarly has informed us that support for the Grammarly Editor for Windows and Mac will be discontinued in AprilYou can continue to use the Grammarly Editor and access your documents through your web browser. 

Creating Your Premium Grammarly Account

  1. Select this link to Sign Up for Grammarly Services:
  2. Enter your University email address.
  3. Select Continue.

Grammarly Sign-up

  1. Enter a password of your choice.
  2. Enter your Name
  3. Select Agree and Sign up. 

Password and Name

  1. You may be asked to complete a Captcha

Captcha box

  1. Verify your email information.
  2. Selecting the Verify Email link will open a Grammarly account confirmation page and log you into your premium EDU Grammarly account.

Grammarly Account Screen


 Please Note: If you have any issues, email the Academic Success Center at Provide your first name, last name, and university email in the email. You will be sent a Grammarly invitation to register. 

Using Your Premium EDU Grammarly Account

  1. Sign in at
  2. Enter your university email address.
  3. Select Continue.

Login Screen 1

  1. Enter your password.

Login Screen 2

  1. Select Sign In.

Grammarly Account Screen


Use the tips and FAQs below to assist with additional Grammarly, editing, and proofreading questions.

Helpful Tips to Edit and Proofread Papers

When editing your assignments, ask yourself the following:

  • Have I included everything required for the assignment?Edit
    • Did I stay within the required parameters?
      • Did I meet the length requirements?
      • Did I meet the source requirements?
  • Did I use APA Style correctly?
    • Did I use proper APA level 1 headings and level 2-3 sub-headings?
    • Did I use Times New Roman 12 point font?
    • Did I double space?
    • Did I cite sources correctly in-text, parenthetically and on my reference page?
      • Use Academic Writer to assist with all things APA.
  • Does my assignment have an introduction that acquaints the audience with the main topics presented?
  • Does my introduction have a thesis statement that presents the topics that will be covered in the assignment?
  • Does my assignment flow in a way that my thoughts are presented clearly throughout?
  • Do I focus on one idea per paragraph?
  • Do I show how one idea relates to the next with transitions?
  • Do I support my assertions with scholarly evidence?
    • Is that evidence paraphrased (put in my own words but cited)?
      • Reminder: Use direct quotes sparingly.
    • Do I synthesize scholarly sources by showing several sources and viewpoints?
  • Do I clearly show the main points and the overall takeaway of the assignment in the conclusion?
  • Do I use a scholarly tone?
    • Do not use contractions.
    • Use the first person to avoid ambiguity when referring to yourself.
  • Do I use clear, concise language?
    • Are there words that I use too often?
      • If so, find synonyms to replace.
    • Are there words I misuse?
    • Are there words that are unneeded that I could edit out?

When proofreading your assignments, ask yourself the following:

  • Have I read my paper out loud to catch spelling, grammar, and wording issues?Proofread
    • Do not just rely on a proofreading tool such as Grammarly or Microsoft Word.
    • Read your work carefully in conjunction with using these tools.
  • Are all spelling issues corrected? Spellcheck will not catch everything.
  • Are words capitalized properly? Including following APA guidelines for References.
  • Do I use constructs, such as abbreviations, properly?
    • If you are unsure of the rules, look them up, and then reach out through Ask a Coach if you have questions.