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Writing Resources

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Paragraph Development Resources

Paragraph Development

Paragraph Development Icon- pyramid of building blocks

Thursday 4:00 p.m. 

Paragraphs are the building blocks of longer documents. Join this interactive group session to share, discuss, and practice strategies for building developed and effective paragraphs. You are encouraged to attend this group session whenever you have questions about paragraph development. Appointment Scheduler

Key Resource: MEAL Plan

MEAL Plan Graphic- Main Idea, Evidence and Analysis, Linking Sentence

MEAL Paragraph

What is the RACES Method?

The RACES method is a simple, structured approach to writing well-organized paragraphs.

Each letter in RACES represents an important step in paragraph development:

R - Restate the Question

  • Turn the question into a statement to start your response.

  • Use keywords from the question.

  • Example: If the question asks, "Why is exercise important?" your response might begin, "Exercise is important because it improves overall health."

A - Answer the Question

  • Provide a clear and direct answer.

  • Do not include personal opinions unless asked.

  • Example: Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

C - Cite Evidence

  • Use a quote, fact, or example from a text or reliable source to support your answer.

  • Use phrases like The author explains ... Or findings suggest ...

  • Example: According to the CDC (Year), "Regular physical activity can help prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes (p. 36)."

E - Explain the Evidence

  • Clarify how your evidence supports your answer.

  • Make connections between the answer and the evidence.

  • Example: This means that people who exercise regularly are less likely to develop serious health conditions, leading to a longer and healthier life.

S - Summarize/Conclude

  • Wrap up your response with a strong closing statement.

  • Reinforce your main idea.

  • Example: In conclusion, exercise is essential for overall health because it helps prevent diseases and promotes well-being.

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