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Writing Resources

This guide contains all of the ASC's writing resources. If you do not see a topic, please contact us so we can add the needed topic. .

White Paper

Writing a White Paper

A white paper is an informational report written for a target audience to discuss a specific topic concisely while addressing a problem and providing recommendations for the solution.  

A white paper often includes some of the following sections

  • Keep it short and memorable.
  • It should capture the reader’s attention.
  • It should communicate the problem and solution.

Executive Summary


The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with a brief summary of the report.

  • The section is 1-2 paragraphs in length.
  • The executive summary is written concisely and clearly.
  • Includes a summary of the report, including the problem and solution.

The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with a succinct description of the problem. 

  • Concisely state the problem and the significance of the problem
    • What are the problems, needs, or pain points?
  • What is currently happening?
    • What caused the problem? 
  • Why do you need to address the problems, needs, or pain points?
    • Provide examples of the problem’s negative impacts. 



The purpose of this section is to convince the reader of the best solution.

  • Introduce the solution.
  • Explain the steps for implementing the solution.
  • You can include examples, data, comparisons, and visuals (graphs, tables, charts).
  • Explain how the solution will improve the problem.  
  • Explain how you will measure and evaluate to see if your solution is effective.
  • What was used or implemented prior to your solution?
  • Explain the framework, strategy, or intervention you implemented.
  • Be sure to acknowledge any challenges that might occur with your recommended solution and how these challenges could be addressed.


(Call to Action)

The purpose of this section is to explain how the preferred solution will be implemented.

  • Review the problem statement.
  • Review the solution and how it addresses the problem.
  • Briefly explain the advantages of implementing the solution.
  • Include a call to action statement highlighting the next steps for implementation.  
  • This section sometimes includes visuals (graphs, tables, charts).

This section contains a reference list of the resources used to support the information provided in the white paper.


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