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Writing Resources

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PowerPoint Presentation Tips

PowerPoint Resources


PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines

Before You Start: Outline Your PowerPoint Presentation


Presentation Outline Slide


How to Create a PowerPoint Outline in Word

1 Open a new Word document. 
2 Select VIEW >  OUTLINE
3 Your Headings will be identified by the letter "H" (H1-H8). 
4 If you do not want to use Headings, you can use bulleted lists.
5 When finished, select CLOSE OUTLINE VIEW.
6 Save your outline.
7 Use the outline to organize your PowerPoint slides.
10 Rule
Aim for 10 slides or less (unless instructed differently by your faculty).
ØUse only one title slide.
ØThe first slide should reflect the same information found on the title page of the research
PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines Title Slide
Tip: If a professor requires additional information, such as the professor's name, the course title, or the date to be included, place these below the institution's name, on separate lines. 
Use bullets.
ØSimple, concise, and clear points.
Ø Six or less bullets per slide.
Refrain from using paragraphs.
Ø The detail should be written in notes.
ØNotes should be consistent with the slide.

White font on a dark background.
Dark font on a light background.
Keep font color to a minimum.


Graphics and images should be visually appealing and simple to the eye.

The image should coincide with the topic of the slide.

Steer away from animated gifs and animations with noise.

Keep bar graphs and charts simple.

Use the same transition throughout.




20 Rule

Aim for your presentation to be no more than 20 minutes.

The information should be concise, yet interesting.
Focus on the purpose of your presentation.
ØRemove any unnecessary information.

Time the presentation.
Be sure the video is consistent with the presentation.
Closed Caption should match the presentation slides.


30 Rule
Aim for font size to be 30 or no less than 24.
Ensure the audience is able to see your presentation.


APA Style


  • APA does not provide guidelines for the type or size of the font used in a PowerPoint presentation. 




  • Treat the presentation like a research paper and cite all sources. This includes images, quotes, tables, and paraphrased information.
  • Citations and references must be provided when quoting and paraphrasing.


Sample PPT slide with references


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